TehRice Better Rice Better Life en-flag
Opening Hours : 7:30 am to 7:30 pm Monday to Sunday
Factory Address

No.01, Street 1510, Andong Jenh Village, Ouchar District, Battambang City, Battambang Province, Cambodia.

Office address

No.1 Borey Honglay, Street Lu5, Stung Mean Chey 3, Mean Chey, Phnom Penh Cambodia.

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Healthful Rice


Premium Fragrant Rice 柬埔寨旱季香米​ អង្ករប្រណិតផ្កាម្លិះក្រអូប


Best Fragrant Rice Type

Premium Fragrant Rice is one of the best Cambodian rice. Famous for it natural nectar, soft texture and best for cooking porridge, It's the most popular type among Cambodian household and international market. It needs 110 days to grow, and need great care from farmers due to the high risk of infected by crop diseases. The grain is transparent with the average length of 7.0 mm. You can verify the grain by also chewing the raw grain and the natural fragrant and nectar will release from the core of the grain.

***contact us for price***

Package size : 50kg, 25kg, and 10kg

Cooking instruction: 1 cup of Premium Fragrant Rice/ 0.8 cup of Water

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